Friday, February 26, 2010


天蝎座是一个强烈的星座。他们的爱与恨,他们的人生观点,他们的生活方式,都充满了强烈二字,他们强烈的爱憎,强烈的需求,强烈的追求&索取,而这些强烈 的成分,也使天蝎座变得倔强而坚强。  沉默外表下的暗潮汹涌.  天蝎座的外表往往看起来很老实,他们看起来安分守己,中规中矩,并不会第一眼就给人留 下深刻印象。但是如果以为他们真的如此一般,那就是大错特错。  天蝎们内心总是暗潮汹涌,他们对人生有着强烈的眷恋&希冀,他们渴望权利,渴望金钱,更 渴望爱情。他们常常不动声色,让人误以为他们沉默乏味。但是那其实只是他们在审时度势的不断观察。  他们的目标其...实 一贯都很明确,但他们是小心谨慎的,他们从不轻易暴露自己心中的想法。  他们有着长期观察和考验的过程。不论是他们谋求一个职位还是得到一个人。  一 旦他们感到有把握,他们就会立刻出击,动作迅速,毫不犹豫,而且往往一击致胜。  强烈而持久的激情  天蝎们的暗潮汹涌,令他们非常具有爆发力,而他们 的爆发力之后又有着强烈持久的激情。 这或许也可以作为天蝎何以总是排在排名前五的状况。他们诞生的时间,恰是步入中年时期的开端,个人开始卯足全力,以 期能在未来达到巅峰。所以,...

~ 我也是天蝎座的.. 哈哈..~


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a poem I come across...

I was just going through sites with short poems.. helping my sis to find some short poems and stories for her English Club.. then I came across this poem which is kinda cute.. so I decided to cut it and paste it here to share with you all.. enjoy it!!

written by: Hilaire Belloc

Jim Who ran away from his Nurse, and was eaten by a Lion.

There was a Boy whose name was Jim;

His Friends were very good to him.

They gave him Tea, and Cakes, and Jam,

And slices of delicious Ham

And Chocolate with pink inside

And little Tricycles to ride,

And read him Stories through and through,

And even took him to the Zoo--

But there it was the dreadful Fate

Befell him, which I now relate.

You know--or at least you ought to know,

For I have often told you so--

That Children never are allowed

To leave their Nurses in a Crowd;

Now this was Jim's especial Foible,

He ran away when he was able,

And on this inauspicious day

He slipped his hand and ran away!

He hadn't gone a yard when--Bang!

With open Jaws, a lion sprang,

And hungrily began to eat

The Boy: beginning at his feet.

Now, just imagine how it feels

When first your toes and then your heels,

And then by gradual degrees,

Your shins and ankles, calves and knees,

Are slowly eaten, bit by bit.

No wonder Jim detested it!

No wonder that he shouted "Hi!"

The Honest Keeper heard his cry,

Though very fat he almost ran

To help the little gentleman.

"Ponto!" he ordered as he came

(For Ponto was the Lion's name),

"Ponto!" he cried, with angry Frown,

"Let go, Sir! Down, Sir! Put it down!"

The Lion made a sudden stop,

He let the Dainty Morsel drop,

And slunk reluctant to his Cage,

Snarling with Disappointed Rage.

But when he bent him over Jim,

The Honest Keeper's Eyes were dim.

The Lion having reached his Head,

The Miserable Boy was dead!

When Nurse informed his Parents, they

Were more Concerned than I can say:--

His Mother, as She dried her eyes,

Said, "Well--it gives me no surprise,

He would not do as he was told!"

His Father, who was self-controlled,

Bade all the children round attend

To James's miserable end,

And always keep a-hold of Nurse

For fear of finding something worse.


Sunday, February 21, 2010




~ love ~ my family !!
我们全家人买同样的衣服.. =]

haha.. me.. =]

me and my sis lor..

us again..

my sister making her silly face for the camera..

me and my youngest cousin...


with one of the relative's family..


from left: 三姨, 我, 二姨...

~ 戒指.. ~

me and my dad..

me and my sister...

~ peace ~

dad and mom..

from upper left: 小姨丈, 三姨丈, 舅舅, 二姨丈, 爸爸
from lower left: 小姨, 三姨, 舅母, 二姨, 妈妈

4 on the tractor.. 古董...

upper left: 小姨,二姨
2nd row: 舅母,妈妈,三姨...


就这样吧!..说不要放也放了那么多了.. =]
~ 年年愉快 ~



haha.. so its almost the end of CNY holidays.. this is a post on 13.02.2010.. 团圆饭... =] I think this event very much, cause its time for family members to be together... so, woke up quite early that morning to help my mom out.. we started preparing all those raw foods for the steamboat..

my mom preparing.. I taking photos..

haha.. sausages, fishballs and so on..

boiling the soup...

CNY junk foods...


things me and my sis like..

my dad also preparing...

haha.. vegetables again..

prepare everything before starting to eat...

boiling the soup...

at last.. can start le lor..

my sister..

things I don't like.. but my parents love it... =]

~ yummy ~

shell on my rice??

haha.. actually its fresh scallop lar...

see? so much..

my sister again..


~ yeo's ~

my mother... =]

~ that's all for the afternoon... ~

~ evening + night = dinner ~

again prepare to eat liao..

but this time got this to drink...

see? so much food.. but we are waiting...

haha... waiting for it to boil lar.. haha...

wah.. 要吓人啊?

caught her.. haha..

my sister trying to open it...

but at last its still my dad open it.. haha...


foods.. LOL...

they all having dinner..


~ Introduction ~

my dad..

my mom..

my 表姐..


and my sister...

~ after we have our dinner ~