Tuesday, June 21, 2011

yippee !!!

wanna share with all of you a short post ! XD~

me and my sis ~ <3
she's reading "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".. XD


angry birds !!

haha... hello ^_^
recently I started playing AnGrY bIrdS !!! XD~ here are some photos to share.. XD

score still 0 ~ !! haha.. lets go.. !

yeah man !! XD~ 3 stars.. >_<

lol~ to finish it off !! my signature.. hahaha... =D


Monday, April 18, 2011

erm ^.^

haha.. so seriously kinda LONG.. I haven't been posting.. cause I am LAZY ~ haha.. this will be a short post first.. then I will post some updates about me and my life.. XD~ stay tuned.. >.<

Thursday, December 2, 2010

its just a song~

so.. this is just a a video.. oh~ my movie maker kinda got problem so I can't make any title or insert any words into it.. so I decided to just put photos in it.... ^.^ enjoy~~


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a photo worth working for..

haha.. just wanna show u all a photo.. a photo that I am happy with.. a result that I think is worth working for.. XD here goes ~

~ haha ~ its me !

erm.. i have forgotten exactly how long I've been training.. but I am really happy with my result.. XD if not mistaken is a few months.. so whatcha think? ~


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

sticking parquet...

know what a parquet is? lol~ there.. this is a parquet...

this is parquet...

ok.. so this is not my house.. it's my aunt's.. we went over to help her out..

my dad.. see his hand? T.T

haha.. close up... lots came up..

daddy sticking it down..

mommy helping too.. >.< ~ me ~ wakaka..

my sis also can help.. >.<

wow.. a big piece lo..

so much a.. lol~

this is.. of course me.. loL~


when my hair is short...

I look like this...

haha.. short enough? XD