so.. its holiday right? tell me if i am wrong.. so me and my family went to Gurney.. just for fun.. first of all its because my 3rd uncle came back from Singapore.. with her wife.. but pity that Audrey jie jie and Adriene jie jie did not come.. sob.. anyway that's because they are up to something.. we went to have our dinner there beside Gurney Plaza.. there are whole lots of people crowding there.. Its so hard to get a seat though.. so after our dinner I went into Gurney Plaza with my cousin, Darren Chin.. we just walked around..
~ after that we went out.. and went to find the rest of our families which are walking around by Gurney drive.. ~
we Walked..
and Walked
.... and Walked
so thats all.. and that night I manage to saw fishes jumping out from the water.. jumping in and out, in and out.. very lively though.. but unfortunately I did not manage to capture a photo of it... cause it happened to fast..
~ END ~
~ END ~
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