Friday, November 27, 2009


haha.. so hi there again.. few days ago.. me, Waygen, Jacus, Wen Xin, Chong Boon, Yee Siang and Chip Yap.. went to Queesbay to watch the movie so called 2012.. Its all about the end of the world..

~ 2012 ~

so we went to buy the tickets there.. and Waygen got a job there in GSC cinema.. in the mean time he saw his 'girl' there a black one I suppose.. haha.. there was lots of people queing to buy them... okay and something interesting happened back there..

our tickets..

anyway before we went to the cinema.. we went to have our lunch in the chicken rice shop.. this was all the black guy's opinion... haha..

this is Waygen, aka 'black skin-ed'..

and Jacus Ooi..

and me... while wanted to digging it.. Waygen took this photo..

so the three of us.. have this much of lunch.. just how much did you expected for three?

oh.. while we were eating.. Mr Quah Wen Xin arrived..

... after our lunch we were waiting for the other 3 of them...

see? posting for me to take photos.. and he seems to be always sms-ing..

haha.. manage to get a glimpse of him sms-ing..

after they arrive.. which is at last.. this is the decoration for Chirstmast in Qb...


~ we get some grup photos there ~

upper line (from left) : Wen Xin, Waygen, ME and Chip Yap...
2nd line: Yee Siang, Chong Boon and Jacus..

standing post..


wondering whats to eat.. for the three of them..

so.. they decided to go for pizza.. and the black guy is still keep on sms-ing...

~ but unfortunately.. the waiter did not came and we left... ~

we went to toilet before heading to the cinema... and Waygen insisted on taking this photo in the toilet...

at last they went up to buy some foods and went into the cinema for our show...

~ while waiting for the movie to start.. see what did waygen did ~


so.. thats the end.. haha..
comments for the show: It's brilliant.. and exciting.. a wonderful and well made show.. 10/10.. for the effects.. and I love it... go watch it now...

~ END ~

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