Sunday, April 4, 2010


my cousin.. Yin Sean.. wanted me to help him out with his homework.. and is the first time I answer to help with people's homework so easily... why? cause is Art!! the subject I love most... erm.. this time his teacher wanted them to do word art..

~ weird saying for a teacher~
my cousin's teacher commented this on my cousin previous art work
teacher:" your work is not up to my standard, it's just a waste of paper"

this is what I think:' If he is as good as you, why call you a teacher?? idiot..'

this is the work of my word art.. okay.. I did not do it all exactly.. I drew the word, then I guide him to paint.. and I help him out with the background..

closer look.. I think this time if his teacher says the same thing again.. I really feeling like punching the teacher...


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